No 'Women's Day' but a gender-free World!

May I dream of a gender-free world where all men, women, eunuchs, transgenders are addressed with equal weightage put to all their respective merits & demerits? May I expect to live in a world where all men & women are equal in all respects but not identical? May I imagine a world where men & women complement each other & all realize by heart that both together make a complete human-being?

May I foresee a future global society where the husband is the অর্ধাঙ্গ of the wife & the wife, the অর্ধাঙ্গিনী of the husband?

May I dare to say that I am both a feminist & a masculinist but not a chauvinist?

May I also claim to occupy a world where men would not dare to dominate women by mere muscle power? May I dream too that in my world, women would not get an opportunity to misuse their feminine traits to cast a purposive spell on men? May I expand my horizon upto the limit where all would address nature & eternity as woman-power, the 'Adi Shakti'?

May I await living in a world where LOVE n' PASSION between each couple be there in permanence & the whole globe be made predominantly of love, respect & affection for each other?

May I extend my dream to achieve a world where the complete set of human population would be compatible with each other in spite of existing opinion & ideological differences between them?

May I travel the path of cosmogenesis again & again till that goal is reached?

In short, may I reach a world where there's no need of celebrating a Women's Day?


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