NaMo's Foreign Trips: Why is Indian Media So Critical?

Why is the media so critical about Modi's foreign trips?

Because they're feeling the heat as Pakistan is gradually getting isolated. Anti-terror voices are being raised by almost the whole world. Modi's policies (including the economic ones) & his incessant efforts to liaise with all nations against terror are dividing the whole world into pro-terror & anti-terror camps.

Imagine who will be on the pro-terror side? Who can be? None other than Pakistan alone. China is a work-oriented nation. Therefore, once India gels well with their working plan, China would never subscribe to the terror ideology of Pakistan. Not even the Arab countries, because supporting terror may only be the hidden agenda of the oil countries, but not an open standpoint. And how the oil countries have responded to NaMo's straightforward win-win policies & earnest effort, has been elaborated by me in a separate blog written in Bangla titled "তেল চিটচিটে রাজনীতি".

In this regard, it would look biased & incomplete if I don't provide a comparison of the number of foreign trips of the previous PM Mr. Manmohan Singh & those of Mr. Modi. Please look at the comparison given in the news link herein.

You'll find both the Prime Ministers' foreign visits to be at par though the number of days spent abroad is more in case of MMS (114 days) during UPA 2 than those of NaMo (94 days). One more striking fact which I noticed here was that the number of times MMS visited Europe & North American regions were almost double that of NaMo's visiting these two regions. NaMo, on the other hand, had visited Central Asia many-a-times whereas MMS never paid even a single visit there.

NaMo's visits to Central Asia has visibly paid us direct diplomatic as well as business dividends in comparison to MMS-tenure. During MMS-tenure, India cumulated a huge debt-burden on account of Petroleum Purchase as the crude price in the international market went stupendously up & MMS had not been pro-active to do anything about it. MMS didn't pay even a single visit to the Central Asian countries so that he can claim any share of NaMo's credit of building good terms with the Central Asians.

Moreover, India developed Chabahar Port in Iran that connects India, Afghanistan & Iran for trading transactions isolating & by-passing Pakistan. Oil economy & international oil politics has well been in India's control & NaMo played a vital role in stabilizing the crude price in the international market. Each individual OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) country & Non-OPEC country e.g. Russia is gelling well with India corresponding to its own interest vis-a-vis that of India.

Moreover, NaMo's foreign trips are well distributed across the globe whereas MMS had visited certain specific regions more frequently. (In this write-up, however, I'm not going to dig deeper into the real reason behind why MMS had visited Europe & North America so many times because that might divert the main topic to something completely else which isn't desired.)

Coming back to my point, Modi's diplomatic challenge to the global terror business has, as a result, temporarily halted the propagation of Islamic Imperialism itself. And our main stream media is additionally funded by these aggressive Islamists. Aggressive Islam be challenged, they too feel the heat! Terror-industry's growth gets stunted, main stream media's Rupee value business growth too gets stunted.

Moreover, herein I would also like to remind you all of the way RaGa taunted & mocked PM Modi's style of greeting other Nation's Chief Authorities. He taunted that to be 'hugplomacy' & mocked that personal bonhomie didn't have any significant role in the management of foreign affairs & international relations.

Why was the Congress Prez so irritated about PM Modi's own grounded style of diplomacy? Because Congress knows that if India, as a country, expressed itself with its fullest capacity in honest & sincere manner, then it wouldn't take a long time for India to be one of the world leaders in almost all fields. And Congress-Communist-Secular nexus of India, can never want it. Because if India shoots up high, these feudal bodies would lose all relevance. They want themselves to cumulate all the honey of the country but India to remain poor. Hence, these bodies too, try their best to manipulate the media in their way.

Here we be clear about why media is so loud against Modi's foreign trips. The more our PM is proactive in liaising with all nations against terror & for the National benefit of India, the more this Congress-Communist-Secular nexus feels threatened & the media too has the compulsion of raising voice against Modi on their behalf. Otherwise, they're afraid of loosing undue financial benefits that Ghandy Gandhis support them with.

What more? Aren't these enough of reasons for them to shout against Modi's foreign trips?

Last but not the least, India has attracted good volume of FDIs in the tenure of NaMo. In 2018, India has beaten China back for the first time in the competition of dragging FDIs. (newslink updated on 30.12.2018)


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