Hindu Temple Priest Assassined in Bangladesh?

বাংলাদেশে ভোলার মদন মোহন জিউ'র মন্দিরের সেবাইত শ্রী নির্মল ভট্টাচার্যকে হত্যা করা হয়েছে বলে খবর। অথচ পশ্চিমবঙ্গের মুখ্যমন্ত্রী CAA, NRC'র বিরোধী।

ভোলা, রংপুরের হিন্দুরা বেশ কিছুদিন থেকেই ইসলামিক বর্বরতার শিকার হচ্ছেন। পুরোহিত-হত্যা বোধ করি 'সংখ্যালঘু'দের প্রতি বাংলাদেশের ইসলামিক কট্টরপন্থীদের হিংসা প্রর্দশনের latest পদ্ধতি। It is pathetic & requires a global solution. এই খবরটি ফেসবুকে পোস্ট করায় ফেসবুক পোস্টটিকে তাদের কম্যুনিটি স্ট্যাণ্ডার্ডের বাইরে ডিক্লেয়ার করে পোস্টটির পাবলিক ভিউয়িং restrict করে দিল। সম্ভবতঃ কিছু রিপোর্টের ওপর ভিত্তি করে। #Sad&Shame.

Minorities of Bangladesh are subjected to radical Islamic practices on a regular basis. Hindus in Bhola of Rangpur, Bangladesh, had been observing such religious persecution for quite some time in the recent past. This news pertains to probable assassination of a Hindu Priest, Nirmal Bhattacharyya of Madan Mohan Temple of Bhola.

Religious persecution of minorities in Bangladesh & Pakistan requires a global solution as it's not only a local issue but a blot on humanity itself. As I posted this pathetic incident in Facebook, FB declared this post didn't conform to their community standard, restricted its Public viewing first & then deleted it. #Shame. Facebook may please take steps to stop such religious persecution of minorities in Bangladesh & Pakistan, if at all possible for them instead of blocking such news. Please kindly note I wrote the following mail to Facebook regarding this issue.

Dear Facebook,

It is quite disappointing that you marked this particular post to be "against your community standard". 

Please kindly note that killing Hindu priests in Bangladesh is a known & reported practice by radical Islamists there. It's known to the extent that it turned into an open secret. However, information in today's world flows lucidily. Hence, we receive such information without much difficulty keeping in touch with people. Using Facebook as a social platform, we share these info with others to raise general awareness about practices of persecution of minorities in Bangladesh. Why should Facebook as a social media not approve of sharing such information? Only because it embarrasses certain people & exposes an open secret to be a reality? It's unfortunate that Facebook shows this thoughtless bias.

Please also note that Bhola, Rangpur of Bangladesh is witnessing communal attack upon minorities quite frequently in the recent past (withing last few months). The information that I have shared in my post is about the assassination of a Hindu Priest namely Nirmal Bhattacharyya of Madan Mohan Jiur Temple in Bhola, Rangpur. Killing Hindu priests is a commonly practiced mode of persecution in Bangladesh. Hence, it's very unfortunate that you marked just posting such an information as contrary to your community standard. If such incidents can happen & if they can't be stopped for ever by political intervention, mere posting them in a Social Media platform should not be marked as 'hate speech'. 

Please be informed that minorities in Bangladesh be slain, heckled, robbed of properties & raped. These are called true hatred. However, mere sharing those information may not please be marked as 'hate speech'. 

It would be nice if Facebook reinstates back my post for public viewing & remove blockade upon my posting or commenting on it as soon as this mail reaches you. 

With Regards

Yours truly
Debjani Bhattacharyya


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