Leftist 'imperialism' in Bengal: A Philosophical Scam

This write-up is indeed not to communicate something totally new, rather something which is well-known. However, do we ‘realize’ everything that we ‘know’? Is ‘knowledge’ & ‘realization’ the same thing? Perhaps not. ‘Knowledge’ may be futile if it doesn't yield the desired ‘realization’.

We all know that Bengal has been in Left regime for long. The party followed left-wing philosophy regarding socio-economy. It is our ‘knowledge’. But do we all ‘realize’ its implications in the life of present-day Bengal? Do we realize what this leftism has left on us?

The left-wing philosophy is a high-order philosophy which portrays every individual as equal in all aspects and having equal right on everything around him. If followed properly, this is the highest order of religion and the same is mentioned even in all Holy books. However, should we ask ourselves whether this high order philosophy of leftism can at all be a day-to-day political ism or not? Shouldn't a socio-political viewpoint be such that can be really believed and practiced by all? Can't a highly philosophical socio-political theory, turn into a hoax if practiced without ‘realization’ and / or misused deliberately?

Have the common people of Bengal been victimized in the name of leftism just in the same way as the simple-minded boys & girls are converted into Islamic terrorists by continuous brainwashing & focussed training? My words may appear exaggeration, but may not, if I explain!

High order left-wing philosophy, though sounds very nice, is unproductive in day to day life. It is very easy for a common man to think himself equal in all aspects to anybody else if he himself achieves less success in life. But it is not at all easy for the same person if he is asked to sacrifice some benefits for the sake of equality. Man's natural tendency is to expect the sacrifices to be done by someone else & enjoying the benefits himself. So, as long as equality is beneficial, people would believe in them. But do people still believe in equality even when it is not beneficial for them?  Perhaps not.

There lies the biggest philosophical scam of Bengal which continued since 1977.

Leftism is against the natural thought-process of human beings. People are not naturally made equal to each other. One is good at something & not so good in something else & other, vice versa. This variety & so called inequality is naturally occurring & has kept the world an interesting place to live in, leaving room for all. Cunning misrepresentation of this fact of natural inequality has been the political & philosophical weapon of the leftists in Bengal, which has paralysed the state in almost all aspects.

A person of higher capabilities in any field, (say agriculture or manufacturing) doesn't like to be equated with a person of lower capabilities of the same field. On the other hand a person with less capabilities loves this philosophy as it satisfies his ego without demanding much for it. Lack of hierarchy is beneficial for one who does & achieves less in any field. This is human nature which the left front capitalized in Bengal with excellence. Their non-capitalist ideology capitalized human- inefficiency for their benefit. They promoted & rewarded the people with lower capabilities of any field by treating them as equals to the more meritorious ones of the same field & didn't recognize people with higher capabilities with due regard & in turn, punished them.

Non- recognition of ability is nothing other than punishment!

It is always true in any section of population anywhere on earth, that the number of people of highercapabilities is much less than the number of people with average capabilities. Hence, if all the people are given the assurance of equality, higher proportion of people would be benefitted & enchanted. They assured higher number of votes, thus. They also annoyed the people of higher capabilities in all fields resulting in their moving away from Bengal in search of recognition of their
abilities. Thus Bengal lost those human resources who were of higher capabilities and apolitical & thoughtfully critical of the policy of forceful equalization of all. Bengal lost its merit & Left Front gained stronger ground for befooling people.

They also spoke of equality between the industrialist & the worker. So the industrialists also packed up & left Bengal leaving the workers here with so called ‘equal right’ but no ‘work’. Leftists never preached that industrialists were ‘unequal’ to workers at least in one aspect. They were the industrialists who set up the industry & gave the workers chance to work whereas the reverse was not true! Unfortunately, leftists never spoke that truth. They manipulated people's mind by expressing only partial truth which is more dangerous than total falsehood.
One may think:

  • What's wrong if their policy kept majority happy?What's wrong if people of average merit came to believe they were no less than anyone?
  • What's wrong in giving them the moral boost?
  • The government was democratically elected & made all the people part of it & the state ran happily for 34 long years!

But are these propositions correct?

If a policy was really based on equality, why couldn't it accommodate all types of people?
Why the people of merit gradually left Bengal?
Why still our boys & girls are leaving Bengal at the earliest opportunity?
Why did it accommodate only those who complied with leftist philosophy?
Why couldn't this policy of so called equalization accommodate ‘people of higher achievement needs’?
If it couldn't accommodate all types of people & merely accommodated people of average intellect in any field, then the claim of equality is null and void. The philosophical scam of leftists left Bengal spiritually vacuous & merit-wise bankrupt.

One may still debate:

How can we conclude that the people who complied with the leftists were not the meritorious ones?
Well, even if they were, we lost a huge portion of our human resources which can't be explained in any other way but one. They didn't get their 'opportunity of choice' in their own state. So, leftists
could not offer ‘choices’ to all. That's the biggest failure of their philosophy of equality. A policy which can’t offer scope of operation to more meritorious and / or skilled people is nothing other than a hoax.

Moreover, if people of ‘lower achievement need’ & ‘lower capabilities’ are made to believe that they are no less than anybody, their drive for betterment goes off. They turn out to be overconfident,egoist. Their quest for knowledge & learning gets spoilt. They forget to respect scholars & meritorious men. They really start believing that they understand everything. They are, thus, made psychologically disabled. Leftists did this harm to Bengal, I doubt, knowingly. Putting an able man down & demotivated is incorrect, we all agree. But isn't overestimating an unable man also incorrect? It's harmful for the soul of that man as well as for humanity too. He, out of his false ego, does many things such that cause harm to his family, his associates & to the society as a whole. A man with average merit and inflated ego is more harmful for the society than a complete duffer. Left regime has continued to produce such people of less ability with inflated-ego purposely. They made these people their own political machinery, leading to meritocratic bankruptcy of Bengal.

Moreover, as the state was left with people of only average merit & policies were made to promote only mediocrity, predominantly average people were born and groomed here since then. The general merit of the people of Bengal, thus, deteriorated with time.

The other point that may drag the controversy further, is that all the ministers & administrators of the left front government were highly & properly educated themselves. They didn’t allow any average man as a policy-maker here. Only they wanted the number of truly educated persons outside their ambit be less & the mass to learn less so that they can't debate on the Governmental policies. This was sheer hypocrisy & didn’t prove their faith on ‘equality for all’!

They wanted so called education for all. In reality, they didn't allow proper education to be imparted in Bengal at all. They wanted to make all the people feel happy by getting education & hence lowered down the standard. They distributed education as sweet, little candies to children. They gradually weakened the education system in such a way so that people can learn less, think less & talk more, as ‘empty vessels sound much’. Left front had done this under the decorative-cover of socialism & people-friendliness. Highly educated professors were the ministers & policy makers. They used statistical analysis to study the social demography & people's psyche and to find out the niche to position their policies. They themselves had excellent research-based strategies based on which they had strengthened their footing in Bengal. Thus, they could produce a few generations of people who were ‘less educated’ ‘having high degrees’. These people practiced talking rhetoric about leftism, liberalism & were not open to debate to the point.  If challenged academically, they always confused the topic with totally irrelevant points & diverted the attention to some other similar topic. They also got furious if someone questioned the correctness of their points & retaliated in an unpleasant manner. Such intellectually shallow yet ‘educated’ people were the pillars of the leftist imperialism in Bengal.

However, the leftists did a mistake which they couldn't identify as a mistake, I suppose. In their pursuit of equality of all, they ended up hurting the employers' ego & the manufacturers' ego of the industrialists. Leftists mishandled them & drove the capital-money out of the state.  To pamper higher number of voters, they pampered & massaged the ego of the workers. However, at the same time, they couldn't keep the investors happy. So riches left Bengal. Skilled workers just followed. Poor workers stayed back here with ‘no work’ & lot of inflated ego. Had the leftists understood how to keep both workers & their employers happy, they would have surely done that; as in that case the party could've got better fund support from the industrialists. Unfortunately they didn't realize the importance of industrialists & corporate employers in building up a strong political hold on a state. Instead, they focussed only to gratify the workers by massaging their ego & in turn, got rid of the industrialists & investors. Thus, they ensured not only meritocratic bankruptcy but also gradual financial bankruptcy of Bengal.

After continuing with this mistake from the time of their inception for next 34 years, when they at all tried to rectify the mistake & re-industrialize the state, their own policy hurt them back as a boomerang. The party-fed, self-inflated, mediocre-merit men's ego got hurt & they stood against the party. Leftists own hooligans' brigade sabotaged the whole process of industrializing Singur in such a way that the mission saw a drastic end. The leftists' move to industrialize Singur was made futile mainly by leftists' own party cadre who then shifted to & clubbed under the banner of TMC . The mediocrity of Bengal had naturally selected some other party, TMC, who were ever ready to continue massaging the ego of general public by all means following the leftists' good old path. This TMC was a by-product of leftist politics in Bengal. Leftists politicized the concept of equality of all types of human beings & that political misrepresentation finally resulted in some street-activists' reaching the helm of political power in Bengal in the name of TMC. A circle got completed. Leftists' stupid experimentation of equal treatment of all types of people produced Frankenstein.

This TMC is doing nothing other than copying the policies of the Left Front, only more vigourously, more vacuously and more destructively. Naturally, they have been dearer to the people of Bengal who have been groomed to be naive & clueless about the immense danger of these so called people-friendly policies. TMC is even distributing money to the common, grass-root level people under the name of different social projects, thus making people of Bengal even more crippled in mind & abilities. They have learnt that in any problems of theirs, TMC-government would offer monetary help to them. Thus, people of Bengal believe that the party who would pamper them better with good words & money are better for them. That's what TMC is doing with unbelievable precision & collecting votes of general people. They called for a change. The change came, only in the name. The name ‘CPM’ was replaced by the name ‘TMC’. No change in policies took place except the fact that TMC was more 'left' than even the leftists.

Today TMC is the true representative of the common people of Bengal. Both TMC-men & common-bengal-men were groomed by leftists. CPM was the parent of both. The psyche of the whole state has, thus, been impaired. They don't believe in achieving but in receiving. They don't believe in understanding & listening to each other but in reacting & fighting each other. This is what the lefts have left on us. A whole state has been mentally crippled. I remember a comment of Sri Rajiv Gandhi, then the Prime Minister of India. "Let Bengal sleep", said he and "Kolkata, a dying city", he added. So true he was. The state was dying, spiritually, in the hands of the leftists. Leftists’ philosophical scam has almost finished my dear State. There was a time when Sri Jayprakash Narayan said, ‘’what Bengal thinks today, India thinks tomorrow’’. Today, my state can’t think, it has been made thoughtless by shrewd politics. Now, Bengal is only a place of ‘action’, hooliganism, violence, abuses & communal appeasement.

I, a common man of poor Bengal who has very closely observed this whole timeline of intolerable downfall of human-quality of Bengal, feel extreme pain to ‘realize’ what this leftism, either in the name of CPM or TMC, has left on us!
How tremendously we have lost and are losing our human-resources & financial resources!
How sad it is to see a few generations of people to be raised here with a lower-mediocre outlook in almost all aspects of life!
How unfortunate it is to see that we have defeated meritocracy & upheld mediocrity.

I think the time has come for Bengal to say ‘no’ to leftism altogether and turn towards the right-wing philosophy. Let’s keep the people’s priority ahead & hence not take any short-cut to success. Let’s start believing in the age-old policy, ‘do better to get better’. And let’s not trust anyone who will commit to give us some benefit for nothing. Let’s believe that nothing in this whole world is attainable without proper effort. Let’s not be communal. Let’s not try to appease any religious community. Let’s all be equal in true sense of it, and hence, no special benefit to anyone. The soul of Bengal is awaiting a reincarnation.


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