Liquor Ban: Governmental Promotion of Black Marketing?

Public grievance is mounting against liquor sales ban. Certain areas of #WestBengal & Kolkata are black marketing liquor misusing this phase as an opportunity. WB Govt is being unnecessarily strict to enforce 'non-availability' of liquor & kept OFF SHOPS closed. Govt made it a point that no one can procure it normally. However, certain areas of Kolkata like one near Girish Park, is black marketing it. Many people doubt that unnecessary strictness in liquor-sale-ban from WB Govt is being imposed in order to facilitate black marketing.

Please also note that a significant number of Liquor retails of WB belongs to minority community. Until recently, OFF SHOP licenses were not being issued to any one other than minorities. I mentioned it in one of my highly-read blogs. Thus the question arises if anyone is helping them earn more in this phase. Is this lockdown turning out to be an opportune moment for certain people of minority community? WB Govt is losing out on taxes of Liquor Sales. However, black marketing might be yielding a significant amount of "cut money" to the ruling party. While Govt treasury is losing revenue, is the Party gaining unethically?

Moreover, liquor is a necessity for many & sudden withdrawal would create health complications in users which may add to the challenges of our Health Providers when they're already in a mess.

It may be mentioned here that there was a theft in a liquor shop in #Mysore yesterday. More such incidents would be inevitable if #Central_Govt doesn't lift up the ban on liquor. Such thieves are making good use of this ban to earn a few bucks more. Ban of an addictive stuff is nothing but promotion of theft & dishonesty. Government has a logic that alcohol intake weakens the body immunity, hence, during a #Virus_Pandemic, it's better to stay away from such addictive stuffs. However, there's no clinical evidence that sudden stoppage of alcohol intake by regular takers would increase their immunity significantly. Rather, it is proven that sudden stoppage would lead to withdrawal syndrome & enormous health issues which can easily be avoided at this moment of mess.

It is highly desirable that liquor sales is reinstated back to avoid unnecessary problems. The Govt may start selling liquor in scheduled manner with norms & discipline that would perhaps add to administrative ease for respective Governments. It's better to sell liquor at normal prices than to promote black marketing. Isn't it?

If Misti can be sold in West Bengal, why not liquor? 


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